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Auchan Calais: Shopper's paradise

Auchan is a popular choice for Calais day trippers and visitors to France. This vast hypermarket should cater for most of your shopping needs, and offers a vast selection of alcohol, food, and home/leisure products.

Cite Europe

Cite Europe is a large indoor shopping complex 4 kilometres from the center of Calais and is a popular choice with cross Channel day trippers due to the sheer variety of shops and restaurants within the complex.

Carrefour Calais

Information for the large hypermarket located within Cite Europe.

Duty free allowances

Don't get caught out by HMRC customs - know your allowances and the rules around what you can bring back from the continent.

Christmas markets

Christmas market lover? Get the lowdown on the recommended continental festive markets.

Best buys

A list of the best things to look out for whilst shopping in France.